Pandoni – Panda (Angelo) + Oni (Onisha)

Angelo and Onisha are both Southern California natives.  Angelo has spent the last 17 years working as a interactive designer.  Onisha works as a ballet instructor and performer.  When posed with the question to buy a house and settle down,  they both decided upon the alternate route of traveling the world near and far for a year.  Although the thought of selling all of their belongings, putting the remaining items in storage and saying goodbye to familiar faces and stable income for a year seems daunting, they thought it was necessary.  Exploring other cultures through their dance, art, music and food felt like the most natural step in their relationship.  Thus, they are saying adieu to their loved ones  and beloved city, Los Angeles.

Our mission is to document Street and Indigenous dancers from all over the world through photos and video. We have this opportunity to learn the history of where we come from as dancers and to connect other dancers to the rest of the world through personal interviews and videos showcasing their talent and culture.

Please subscribe to our blog on the right and follow us as we embark on a life changing journey.

Onisha and Angelo.