If you don’t know about Juste Debout competition that happens in Paris every year, then just type that in YouTube and watch some videos. This competition brings in some of the best street dancers from all over the world. They have started their own studio, which is pretty great because you get taught by some very talented dancers. Well, we were in town to take master dopeness freshest class by Shannon Selby. Otherwise known as Shan S, he is a house dancer who has been around the scene for some time, and whose dancing is exquisite. We really enjoyed his class because he focused on musicality. Sometimes house dancing can be repetitive, so he encouraged us with the combinations and drills to listen to the music and create outside the box. I really liked it especially because he has some dope footwork moves. Here is a link to the studio website, if your ever in town, take a class and be inspired.
- Shan S and Oni
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